IS 213  Database Programming

General Information:

Office Hours: By Appointment (usually before class).
Text Book: Database Systems, 5th Ed. by Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel
Misc: Use of MicroSoft Access (in Lab)


A prerequisite to this course is IS105 and a knowledge of the windows environment, how to navigate and operate the windows operating system.  Some programming knowledge would be helpful, and students should understand basic programming concepts.  A student should be able to describe file processing and the basic description of a program.


To gain knowledge concerning database processing and integration with application software.  Students will learn Relational Database Theory as it relates to real world applications.  During the course the student will use MS Access to implement database modeling techniques.  These modeling techniques include Entity Relationship Diagrams and Data Normalization.  The course foundation includes: Upon completion of the course the student will have knowledge necessary to design and implement a relational database to automate a given business problem.

Grading Policy:

Rules for grading: The following tables explains the exam and project grading:
3 Projects.    30%         of Grade. 
1 Mid Term Exam     30%         of Grade. 
1 Final Exam     30%        of Grade. 
Pop Quizzes (4)     10%        of Grade. 

Attendance Policy:

Coming to class is highly recommended.  I will take attendance from time to time, however, it is up to the student to get assignments and make up work that is missed.  In this type of class you cannot skip class and expect to stay current with the class.

Conduct Policy:

At Middlesex Community - Technical College we expect the highest standards of academic honesty.  Academic dishonesty is prohibited in accordance with the Board of Trustees' Proscribed Conduct Policy in Section 5.2.1 of the Board of Trustees' Policy Manual.  This policy prohibits cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, unauthorized
access to examinations or course materials, plagiarism, and other proscribed activities.  Plagiarism is defined as the use of another's idea(s) or phrase(s) and presenting that/those idea(s) as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally." (board of Trustees' Policy 5.2.1).

ADA Accommodations Statement:

"Students with physical or learning disabilities who may require accommodations are encouraged to contact the Counseling Office.  After disclosing the nature of the disability, students are urged to discuss their needs with individual instructors.  This should be done at the beginning of each semester.  Instructors, in conjunction with appropriate college officials, will provide assistance and/or accommodations only to those students who have completed this process."

Course Syllabus

 Topics Covered.   Links to Class Presentations
Ch. 1 File Systems and Databases Database Systems
 Ch. 2 The Relational Database Model & Ch 3. Entity Relationship Modeling  Relational Database
Relational Database Modeling
 Ch. 3 (continued)  & Ch. 4 Normalization of Database Tables Normalization
 Ch. 5 Structured Query Language (SQL Presentation) SQL Book
Ch. 6 Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Models ER Models
 Ch. 7 & 8 Relational Implementation Relational Implementation Ch 7.
Relational Database Implementation Ch 8.
 Present Project 1 & Review for Mid-Term
 Mid Term Exam 
 Ch. 9 Transaction Management Transaction Management
 Ch. 10 Distributed Database Management Systems Distributed Database
 Ch. 12 Client Server Systems Client Server Systems
 Ch. 13  The Data Warehouse The Data Warehouse
 Ch. 14  Databases in Electronic Commerce  Electronic Commerce
 Ch. 15  Web Database Development.  (Review for Final) Web Database
(15.)  Final Exam

Project Assigned:

Project Name
      Project Description 
(1.) Database Analysis. Extra Speedy Oil & Lube
(2.) Database Design. Great Video Rental Part I
(3.) Database Implementation. C A N C E L E D [SEE FINAL EXAM BELOW!!!!]

Answers to Problems and Questions

Chapter Reference Database
Ch. 2. page 92. in book (CH2_TEXT.mdb) (CH2_AVIA_CO.mdb) (CH2_AVIA_CO_2.mdb) (Aviation_database.doc)
Ch. 3. page 160. in book
Ch. 4. page 202. in book

(Final Exam 2002)
Right click on the link above and perform a save to capture the home exam as a word Doc.