Information Technology Services

Wesleyan University
(860) 685-2400

Thomas R. DiMauro 

Programmer / Analyst

I joined Wesleyan in December of 1997  as a Programmer Analyst working on the new Student Faculty and Information System.  In this role I am responsible for implementing the PeopleSoft Student Administrative Software package.  Other duties include technical support for various administrative offices around the campus.

Previous to Wesleyan I was employed at Northeast Utilities Information Technology Group from 1984 to 1997 working on database support and client server programming.  My interests include distributed computing, software development andbuilding Web interfaces.

I also teach computer courses for Middlesex Community Technical College and am very active in the development of their Information Systems curriculum.

Links:                 Academic
                            Wesleyan Projects

Phone Number : (860) 685 - 2136

Email Address :